How Retailers use AI-driven face recognition.
Interesting retail trend - especially in China, where data protection laws are lax and customers relaxed about their data: combine ubiquitous CCTV cameras with AI-driven face recognition to enhance the retail experience for customers. Here are two examples:
Walmart (in the US) is identifying unhappy shoppers by monitoring customers’ facial expressions and movements at check out lines in order to identify varying levels of dissatisfaction.
Burberry’s brick and mortar stores are improving the in-store experience: once an identified customer walks in a store, sales representatives can access his entire online purchasing history as well as the social media activity. For example, if Burberry knows that a customer has recently bought a particular coat, assistants may be encouraged to show them a handbag which is popular with other buyers of the coat.
Jing Daily: Retailers in China Understand the Potential of CCTV and Facial Recognition.