China goes all-in on Blockchain Tech.
Blockchain tech will soon get a big boost in China. Xi himself asked Chinese companies to step up efforts in this field and the Chinese central bank is getting ready to launch an official digital currency. If this is of interest to you, check out these stories:
China calls for more research and investment into blockchain technology
Xi Jinping said last week that China should accelerate the development of blockchain, in remarks that marked the first time Beijing has thrown its weight behind the widely hyped - but still unproven - technology. (…)
“If China wins the race to have the world’s largest business blockchains actually transacting real-world financial activity, it will be the first-mover and thereby build in all the default features into the platform” (…)
Abacus News: Can China win the global race for blockchain supremacy?
A new app allows members of the Communist Party to pledge their loyalty to the Party by writing down the reasons they joined, and answers will be stored on a permanent distributed ledger using blockchain technology. This way a person’s party loyalty will stay recorded in cyberspace forever. 😳
Abacus News: People can pledge loyalty to the Communist Party of China on blockchain
China is on its way to become the world’s first major country to issue a sovereign digital currency, with top officials from the People’s Bank of China announcing on August 10th 2019 at the latest China Finance 40 Forum that they were “close” to doing so.
Binance Research: First Look - China’s Central Bank Digital Currency
ABC News: China passes cryptography laws, laying framework for a national digital currency.