3 Questions about ChinaBriefs!
Q: What is chinabriefs about?
Do you know, there is a country where…
…you can board a plane with just your face - no boarding pass needed.
…emobility is already a reality - with quiet streets full of electric scooters, busses and taxis and you have a problem, if you want to pay for the ride with anything other than your mobile!
…online influencers don't just post selfies with avocado toasts - instead some of them make up to a quarter billion US dollars in revenue with their own line of products…!?
That country is China*!
But many executives in the West are not aware of what has happened in China over the last decades. They still look to Silicon Valley to get a glimpse of the future, while instead they should look the other direction: to the East.
And that is what we want to do with ChinaBriefs: tell stories like those above to let you know what is happening in China and what we in the West can learn from it - everything you need to know about current developments (cases, trends, players, brands, numbers) related to tech, digital & innovation - a broad topic, which we call DigitalChina! But we also want to help you understand the country & the people, because we think the former is not of much help without the latter.
At the same time we will provide you with insights, which you should be able to use in your day to day life - even if you have nothing to do with China at all.
Q: Who should read ChinaBriefs?
Do you have the gut feeling that you should follow what is going on in DigitalChina right now, but so far you haven’t found an easy way to do so? Then ChinaBriefs is definitely for you!
But ChinaBriefs will also be interesting for you, if you work in any field related to digital, tech or innovation as we are trying to find things you can learn from China in these areas - no matter where on the globe you are and whether you care about China or not.
Last but not least, even if you are already an expert on China, you might also find interesting stuff in our updates and of course we would appreciate any feedback from you or experiences you want to share.
"We need a more profound and encompassing view on what is really happening on the ground in China. This is precisely why I find ChinaBriefs such an exciting project as it helps to make sense of what is happening over here today - even for people who never thought that China might become relevant for them too. ."(more…)
— Daniel Kirchert, CEO Byton
Q: What kind of content can we expect on ChinaBriefs?
A: First, what you shouldn’t expect: ChinaBriefs won’t be a channel for the most recent tech news! There are already great options for that with sites like Abacus, Pandaily or Technode.
The core of ChinaBriefs will be a newsletter and weblog with a mix of curation & commentary: we will find the most interesting content (mostly fairly recent, but at times also a bit older, while still highly relevant) and link to it - usually with a short comment that summarizes it and helps you to make a decision whether you want to read the whole piece. From time to time we will write own articles or longer thought pieces - always in pursuit of our overall goal: helping you understand DigitalChina!
Btw, ChinaBriefs is free for now, but we will add additional newsletter formats over time, which will be exclusively available to ChinaBriefs members.

Who is behind Chinabriefs?
DR. MIRKO WORMUTH, Attorney & Entrepreneur…
…lives in Beijing, China and went from corporate lawyer to omni-channel retail entrepreneur. He’s been in China for over 20 years and will share his on the ground, real-life digital experiences.
Mirko knows best about China, Björn about digital strategy. Together we will try to make sense of it all: what is happening in DigitalChina right now and what does this mean for entrepreneurs & executives in the West.
* P.S.: Of course, we do know that China is not just a high-tech future wonderland, but also an authoritarian regime with a rigid one party government and we will cover this side, too. But in a differentiated way, because we think that focusing on this aspect alone won't help much with our core mission of understanding and learning.